26 October, 2006

Getting Ready For Halloween!!

Well we made our first adventure outside of Austin....Getting brave, and decided to get to know more of beautiful Texas. I mean there's got to be more scenery than whats here in P-ville. After about an hour or so drive we ended up in Marble Falls, nope no marbles and even less falls. What we did find was a perfect pumpkin patch where Andrew and Brianna picked out their pumpkins. The place was called Sweet Berry Farm , "famous" for their home made ice cream. Personally, I'm not much of an ice cream eater but it tasted like frozen water. Andrew loved it considering the weather was blazing hot and we were all dressed for cold weather. Brianna loved the pumpkins, she was trying to pick up the biggest one she could find!

20 October, 2006

Baby Update!!

Quote of the Day: "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Not much new to say this week, Andrew continues to add more words to his vocabulary. He has a very " cute" way of saying Truck, of course his new favorite word. Drop the Tr sound and add an F sound and that's exactly how he says Truck. He continues to say Please, Thank You and Excuse Me, he'll repeat almost anything you tell him. Today we took him to Sonic (fast food) and I ordered him a hot dog. The lady asked if I wanted a drink with that, and little Andrew from the back yells out his window NO HOT DOG! Sounded very assertive, I guess it was one of those you had to be there moment.

Brianna's still a very determined and independent little girl. She still loves to be cuddled but needs her time to explore. Boy! Does she get around...We gave her the name Nana-zilla, nothing fazes her. Andrew can whack her with a pillow and she keeps on to get what she wants. She wants to do everything on her own. Feeding her is a struggle, she wants to be in control of the spoon. This last week she's been a little under the weather, and she's getting 3 new teeth all at the same time. One finally popped through on Tuesday and the rest are causing her plenty of grief. Poor little girl. Fortunately for me, she kept her smile and didn't let anything ruin her always happy disposition.

Poor Nana she wouldn't slow down enough for a nap and crashed in her high chair.....mid bite!! I was making them lunch and heard Andrew tell me to SSSHHH Nite-Nite, that usually only comes when Brianna is asleep and sure enough....

Just some random pictures from the week!!!

8 Months Today!!

Daddies ' lil' Princess

Andrew the athlete

Kids eating spaghetti....Brianna for the first time!!

10 October, 2006

Happy Babies

Quote of the day: "A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for"
-- Anonymous
Read that today in the newspaper and thought it was soo true. The only thing I dont agree with is that the past should not be forgotten but cherished and used as part of lifes lessons.
Week in Pictures
They love playing in Brianna's crib after nap time!

Andrew the Monkey

Not trick photography she's really trying to walk

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!