16 November, 2006

Brianna is 9 months old Today!!

Brianna celebrated the beginning of her 9th month pretty much like any other day. She's been sleeping a lot more these days. Don't know if a growth spurt or what but she's been getting in two long naps. I'm not complaining, it make her a lot happier when the evening rolls around. But poor Andrew he pretty much has to wear a muzzle during the day. Actually I'm sure he's not complaining we typically end up outside and that's always a good thing for him. He's got soo much energy these days. He'll just run in circles...Literally in circles.
A lot of exciting things happened this last week. I think we are now official Pflugervilleians?? We went to our first football game...High school that is. WOW never thought I'd go just for fun, but we had a great time. Andrew and Brianna loved it. We sat in the "preferred" seating section. I guess it pays off to live next door to the P-Ville Superintendent. The town really goes all out....Needless to say there aint much going on here Friday nights. That and considering we pay a ton of taxes that goes to these schools I would be disappointed at anything less. Made Brent and I realize how small our high school really was.
Then on Sunday we went for a drive down/up to Georgetown. There's a new housing development with these amazing houses. All these homes are on an acre plus lot. Beautiflul neighborhood that backs up to a forest and Brent pointed out a fresh pile of deer poop so that means wildlife where you gonna find real deer poop in CA. WOW I knew moving out here was worth it : ) Well any ways that was our week in a nutshell. Sorry not a lot of Pictures of Andrew...He's still napping the wind that he calls rain kept him awake for a good part of the night.

On Our Way to Georgetown...Brent got tired of Driving....Good thing we have a back-up

10 November, 2006

Quick short update

We have all finally beaten that nasty cold. Brianna is still batteling the four top teeth that seem to all want to make their presence at the same time. Her poor little gums are still super red and swollen. She's aggressively chewing on everything, including the brick hearth. Poor little thing just wants to chew so hard on everything so she makes her gums bleed. Hopefully they'll pop through sooner than later. Andrew still chattering away. He has soo much to say and makes soo little sense. I can pick up on a word here and there and carry on a conversation that way. He's very agreeable because he's always going along with what I think he's saying. He's growing up soo fast and becoming a little boy, not my baby anymore.
Here are some pictures from the week....Have a great weekend everyone!
Andrew's GQ pose

03 November, 2006

Halloween Day!!

Kids had a great Halloween. Andrew and I went trick or treating with another little boy while Brent stayed home and passed out candy. Poor little Nana was still too sick to take out. So she stayed home and watched the kids from the window. She did love carving the pumpkin. She wanted to jump right in and get all messy. Andrew, on the other hadn didnt like the feel of the inside so he pretty much stayed away and "supervised." Andrew had a great time trick or treating, he would say to each house "treat please and thank you" very sweet. It's soo much fun to see him enjoying these little traditions. If Halloween would have been a week later I dont think Brianna would have fit in her little Indian Costume. She looked soo sweet and made the perfect indian girl with all that hair. I was very pleased with the way Andrew's costume turned out. He didnt want to wear the vest or the hat, but the chaps stayed on most of the time. It was hard to make the right size, seeing how he wouldnt let me try anything on him. Just measuring him was an ordeal. That was the second try at the vest, the first one wouldnt even fit Brianna. But in the end he looked very cute! He realy got into character!