15 December, 2007

Quick Little Family Update

Its been a while since I've updated everyone on the little ones and the bigger ones!! Brent first...he accepted an awesome job in Arizona and starts the first of the year. We put the house on the market about 3 weeks ago with a lot of foot traffic but no real offers just yet. According to the realtor come the new year it should really pick up...and we're counting on that!
We are all spending Christmas in California and Arizona. Then the kids and I are off to Costa Rica for two weeks. Meanwhile Brent will have started his new job and will be waiting for us to join him as soon as the house sells. The kids and I will hang out here to pack and wait for the house to sell...
It's a huge change for us all, not something we expected this fast be we are all very excited to be close to family and friends again. Andrew and Brianna talk about all the family all the time so it was time to have us closer. The kids are doing great they have no real grasp on the huge changes that lie ahead so unlike myself they continue to live their little care free life.
Andrew is still bargaining and compromising like a true politician. He loves to play with the neighborhood kids and his little sister. He's very protective of Brianna and Yukon. He's super sweet and caring and starting to get embarrassed if I kiss him outside in front of his friends. He's mastered the Mr Cool attitude and takes everything in stride. He still loves to dance and sing and play with his trucks and trains. He never met a cartoon he didn't like especially the Simpsons. He's dying to go to school and I'm dreading the first day. Andrew loves to shop and dress nice. He will not wear track or sweat pants...only jeans or cords.
Brianna my little baby....is everything a little sister should be. Loves her babies and her nite-nites. Has to take them everywhere. She now sleeps with 4 stuffed animals and 7 blankets. And she knows which one is missing every time. I finally found a duplicate to her favorite on EBay...she calls this blanket her "ucky" nite-nite and it is just that...Nasty!! She loves to torment Andrew but always feels bad if he gets mad. She loves to kiss everyone and everything..especially Andrew and Daddy. She loves to walk around doing her cheer moves saying Go or Touchdown! Loves her cell phone and baby stroller. She loves dresses bows in her hair and LOVES shoes. We're in trouble she's more girl in her little finger than I am all over. She loves to eat and hates milk thats not in a bottle.

She was trying to Andrew's thinking face!!
Well I'm staying busy with the kids trying to expose them to everything new and exciting that I can. I've been going to "bikini" boot camp three days a week and I love every minute. I go from 5-6am so that the kids are asleep and Brent is still home. Finally getting back my pre baby shape...Still have lots to go!! Right now between keeping the kids out everything and the house show ready I stay pretty busy!!

13 December, 2007

It's Begining to Look a lot Like Christmas....

This picture actually has a story...our tree is not big by any means. Just something small to have around the house until we leave for CA. But anyways this person named Pat, I'm guessing women tied this tree onto the car in a way that would put most skilled boy scouts to shame. It's hard to see but there was twine running through every loop and hole on this car. It was soo impressive we hesitated to take it down...just thought we'd decorate it from ontop of the Honda.

I dont know if it was the candy canes AND cookies they gave the kids at the tree place or the fact that we had a tree on the roof of our car....but these kids went crazy on the ride home!!

The Things I Do at Home

One bored night I decided to play ring toss with an elf on the toilet...or this is where Andrew keeps the toilet ring safe while not in use. Either way pretty funny picture

How Nana-Zilla Plays "ON" the Train Table

Just love her cute little bum!
This absolutely drives Andrew crazy. She's good about it when he's actually playing with it, but left alone its fair game and odds are she'll be sitting up there.

10 December, 2007

A Boy and His Pup

Yukon and his best bud Andrew. The way Yukon treats Andrew and Brianna is amazing. He sleeps every night and takes every nap with Andrew. We don't even have to ask he just walks into the room and lays down in his spot. Andrew has a little fear of the dark so when he wants to go to his room Yukon knowingly goes right along with him. Brianna can't quite get up on the couch by herself but Yukon is always on the floor waiting to be her step stool...something we are trying to break their habit of...He's very protective of the kids too. Doesn't like when Brent and I wrestle with the kids. He'll get his nose in their and pry us off the kids. He's the greatest....couldn't ask for a better pooch!!