23 January, 2008

Lolita the HUUUGE SNAKE!!!

Ran into Lolita the at least 8ft rainbow boa on the last day of our trip....Thank goodness it was the last day or I would have never left the room . She was HUGE and had just eaten something probably an iguana...or at least that's what I was told. This was about 5 ft from the edge of the pool and did I mention she was HUUUGE!! And to think the night before this I walked alone no more than a few feet away from her to the restaurant to get Brianna a "warm" bottle. Yes at night and alone!

17 January, 2008

Back From Paradise

This beach and sunset will never get old for me....
Being silly on Toto's driveway
Both wanted to sleep next to me so we moved the two beds together and had one crazy pillow fight!! Then went to bed
Brianna who we could not get out of the sand last year wanted nothing to do with it this trip. This was our last day at the beach and I begged for her to sit in the sand!
She squated most the time but finally sat down a played alittle.

Andrew who last year had to be carried to and from the beach in fear that one little grain of sand would touch his toes was covered head to toe in sand. We're still washing sand out of his ears.

He loved the water and running in the waves. This is a HUGE improvement from last year. Cant wait for what the next trip beholds.

He was swimming alone (with floaters) by the end of the trip and loved it!

Check out those tan lines!!

08 January, 2008

Greetings From Costa Rica!!

Had a little extra time while the kids were napping and with the surprise of high speed internet I decided to post a few pictures from the wedding. Andrew and Brianna were the cutest ring bearer and flower girl. I was a little nervous about Brianna being too shy to perform but she impressed me. Took her job of throwing out the petals very seriously it was soo cute. Andrew dropped the rings about 20 times before we decided I would just hold on to them. But the wedding was beautiful everything was amazingly perfect and we all had a great time. Mom and I had to litteraly pry the kids off the dance floor at 10pm they were having a blast and left crying saying they wanted to dance. ANdrew stole the dance floor showing us moves I had never seen before...Brianna loved the music and was not nearly as animated as her brother showed us some pretty girly moves....

The kids spent the rest of the time in Guanecaste at the pool...it was perfect weather.

01 January, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Brianna and her new kitchen....I think she likes it. She calls her kitchen "my cook". She even washes her hands here....only if it were real, how easy would that be!

Driving back to Arizona!! Nice sun set! and that crazy cheeeesee face

My babies recovering after lots of partying!!

Spending the day with MeeMah...