07 December, 2008

What we Do when we're NOT Dancing!

Run!!! Don't know he was running from but he looks like he did something wrong

Dress like we're 2 going on 20

Ride Bikes
Get pedicures from Daddy
Watch TV?!?!?!
Make crazy faces
Hide in Furniture

Getting Ready for Halloween...

We decided to paint those little cute pumpkins. They loved it.

Nana finished master piece....and of course its pink.

Andrew's complete work of art.

Since they were already a mess...I let them play in their sand box...aka: our backyard!

She's still girly dirty face and all!

Ooops. Before Halloween..

I wanted to get some pictures of the kids at a pumpkin patch...but they all charge soo much. I just decided to plop them down at the entrance of one then snap a few a leave...Well it was a good idea in theory but when Andrew saw all the kids playing I had to get creative in explaining as to why we were just here for pictures. Lets just put it this way....that didnt go over soo well. At least I got a good picture!

05 December, 2008

Halloween Night....Late, I know

Kids had a blast halloween night. Surprisingly Brianna was brave enough and went to every house with backet in hand saying Trick or Treat! Andrew loved it...wasnt sure which part he liked more. Getting candy or talking to all the kids that came to the house.

Mouth full of candy...trying to play it off!

Brianna crashed