23 January, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New and Everything in Between

I've been a little slacker with my blog...but I have an excuse, we had/have some computer that made it almost impossible to up load pictures and what fun with this blog be without pictures.
Quick summary of events:
Brent-he still working maddening hours. We get to see him every now and then, but he loves what he's doing so we don't complain too much!
Andrew-he's officially a pre schooler. I found a program where he goes 3 days a week two hours a day and learns about getting ready for kindergarten which he will start this fall! He absolutely loves it and the teacher loves him. She has nothing but great things to say about him when I pick him up. We are soo proud of him and cant believe he's ready for school. I've started to teach him how to read, he's not reading yet but understands the concept. He knows all the letters and their sounds just not quite putting them together to make a word. He's writing his name and some other letters and numbers... We've been debating about waiting or sending him off this year to K but his teacher and the counselor that interviewed him said he is absolutely ready, holding him back wont benefit him. So off we go in the Fall!! Brianna-the house princess and she truly lives up to it. She's all girl and loves to be pampered...and we all give into her. She recently had a bout with the entertainment center and lost, three stitches later she's back to twirling like the princess she truly is. Well the incident wouldn't have been so bad for me if it hadn't been on my 30th birthday! We were all getting dolled up for a night on the town (with two little ones) when it happened...so with only half my face with makeup, sweat pants dripped in blood, we headed to a fun filled night at the ER. 5 Hours later we were all super hungry so instead of the steak I was craving, I got a jumbo jack with cheese and it was delicious, Joys of being a mom I guess. Aside from this she's such a doll, she loves dresses and everything princess and pink. She absolutely adores her big brother and misses him while he's away at school. She still sleeps in his room and sometimes in his bed. Andrew is great with her, he wont tell her no.
Me-Well I'm thirty now! The Birthday itself was one I'll never forget, Brianna couldn't let me be the one spoiled for one night, she had to steal my spotlight! However I did have a great weekend in Flagstaff! Kenny and Nicole graciously opened their house to us for a night of martinis and karaoke, which from what I can recall was a lot of fun :) However the 3 hour car ride helped me remember!




the sun was a little bright and he was half asleep.