18 June, 2009


a day with her tummy ache...not so happy anymore

17 June, 2009

Look..No Training Wheels

His very first attempt at no training wheels...
and he crashed....

Mr Patience was getting frustrated so I took over..

He took off but couldnt turn..

Gave him few tips on turning and off he went...Never crashed again. Unless he had to turn. He does great in the grass, where he can make very W---I---D---E turns.
I thought I was going to get crashes on video. Instead he picked it up right away so all I have on video is him riding in straight lines. Yeah Andrew...we are proud of you!!

08 June, 2009

Nana Swims!!!

Well this is completely out of order and I still have more weekend pictures but wanted to share the excitement. Now in the grand scheme of life this may be a small step for most kids, but for Brianna this was huge. She participated in her first swim lessons!!! It all started this weekend when we enrolled her she was totally ready talking about playing with the other kids blowing bubbles...on and on. Then came this big day...this morning. She was completely excited she picked out her bathing suit, flip flops (aka bip bops), towel everything. Still talking about how much fun she is about to have. Fast forward to the swimming pool, we are now waiting our turn to find out which class they are in...she's still excited. Then they say her name "brianna Durbin class 2 right here" and the expected happens, swimming isn't so exciting anymore. She's done now wants to go home and have nothing to do with anything we were just so excited about. Long story short she gets in via a life guard and alot of "i want my mommy" maybe a tear or two. I tried so hard not to cry but the look on her face was nothing short of agony for me. But with the help of another mom...i made it too!! She loved it and "claims" to want to go back!
Nana swimming with her teacher

oh and Andrew did well too. Although he spent more time keeping a watchful eye on Brianna. Wish I took a picutre but it was soo sweet, he was telling his class that his sister was at her swim lesson.

More Projects....Paint and Wires...

Ceiling fans are up and the family room and kitchen area is about 95% painted. Minus the parts that absolutely can not reach due to my arm length and Brent refuses to paint. So the next willing body with arms longer than mine, that comes to visit maybe handed a paint brush...aka Dad..

More weekend Projects..

we broke ground and put together our first...of many building project and luckily it went quite smoothly. Meet the only family in AZ who will be roasting marshmallows next to a hot fire in the dead heat of summer...Hello

After 3 or 4 takes I gave up on keeping Andrew's head out of the picture. Just so you would know that even though the backyard appears peaceful this project was built while entertaining a 4 and 3yr old that wanted to "help"

TADAAA...Piece of Beauty. We were very proud even at dinner outside so we could continue to admire all our hard work