15 September, 2009

A Family Trip

Brent and I have been talking about going on a camping trip for a while now. Then one night we decided to make reservations and just do it! And we are soo happy we did. This was an amazing trip. Kids had a blast and didn't want to leave on Sunday. We packed our truck leaving behind the TV, video games, barbies, toys, beds, the HEAT and headed for a weekend of doing nothing but being together and enjoying the beautiful state we live in.

Our days were spent jumping off rocks, hiking (well at least for brent and I, kids did more of sight seeing from our shoulders), playing in the dirt, trying to stay warm, collecting sticks, talking to fellow campers, telling stories, enjoying a thunder storm, chasing squirels, shooting stick guns and what ever else we felt like...sometimes nothing!
Nana managed to stay girly and clean even when we told her she had to pee on the dirt. The first few attempts were a struggle then she realized it was fun, until the temp dropped then not so fun! But by the end of the trip she was happy to announce that she pee'd on the dirt like Yukon. Andrew was the extreme opposite, peeing in the COOL! We had to keep an eye on him, peeing in the dirt meant to him anywhere there was dirt, he had to be designated "appropriate dirt"
Our campground was well guarded with the shooting boy and the lookout girl
Ear licking competition....dont ask! Brent won hands down :)