31 July, 2011

Another One Bites the Dust....

WE're talking teeth! Three pretty big holes

Avery was very excited!

27 July, 2011

Sibling Story Time

Avery was very interested in learning about the planets!
arent they just the cutest pair of cinamon and sugar?
I've been single-momming it all week, while Brent is working in Flagstaff, so I've needed to come up with creative solutions during bath time, dinner time....come to think up pretty much most of the day.
Andrew needs to read for 20 minutes everyday, and trying to cram everything into one day including homework gets a little tricky. This night while waiting their turn for the shower, Andrew read and Avery listened. Everyone was happy!....oh and yes my bed at the end of the day never gets made....feel free to ignore that.
Story time turned into snuggle time then tickle time.

25 July, 2011

First Day of School!!

OUr First year of school uniform and I love it!
Andrew not loving the pictures, but he did manage a few sorta smiles

Brianna will always smile for the camera....when SHE wants to

Backpack shot

Big Brother showing little sister all the cool playground stuff.

Nothing reminds me more of how little your my babies are until you send them off to school. Everyone seemed to tower over her.

off she went....I proudly held myself together very well.

19 July, 2011

The Jammies!

I was organizing Avery's drawers and found the famous Tony Stewart jammies, (Uncle Alan bought them for Andrew when Brent was really into NASCAR) they've kinda just stuck around and made their mark on each of the kiddos. It was a good thing I found them when I did because even though Andrew wore them at 3 months and Brianna at 5months Avery fit quite snug in them at 2 months!

For comparison, here is Brianna at 4.5 months in the jams...oh the hair...my poor girls

Avery almost popping through the toes at 2 months 4 days

Andrew and Brianna are absolutely smitten with their baby sister

and Avery loves all the attention

11 July, 2011

Avery 8 weeks

I still cant get a smile on the camera....this is as close as it gets.

10 July, 2011


Brent had built these rockets a while back and was looking forward to setting them off with the kids. Andrew and Brianna had a blast.....haha get it? Rocket-blast...
Avery, not soo much. I think it was a little too loud for her. We only made it through two launches before i took her back home.