31 October, 2011


A solider, a pirate and a puppy, my days of coordinating costumes are over. Maybe next year I still have a chance with Brianna and Avery!
Hard at carving his pumpkin.

Nana wanted nothing to do with the pumpkins, no cleaning, no carving, just sitting back and watching!

The cutest puppy ever. I bought her costume about a month ago then realized as Halloween was getting closer took it back got a bigger size then on the big day it was still a little sung...she's our Tubbers!!

love these kisses!

30 October, 2011

A Non-Pumpkin Patch

Not exactly what I would call a pumpkin patch. It was hot, in a parking lot, the pumpkins were ridiculously expensive and not much to do....

except think while sitting on a pumpkin....

or ride a pile of hay, turned bull ride.

so we left and bought pumpkins at the grocery store.

at least we got some cute photos.

22 October, 2011

Football Stud-Muffin Piggy (Andrew) and a Touchdown!!!

November 5, 2011, Andrew Durbin gets the run down of the "play"

Quarterback looks left, Andrew runs right...

hmmm and runs some more....

and TOUCHDOWN.....so somewhere between the runs some more, he caught the ball and ran another 20 yards for a touchdown. There are  no pictures, because I was the crazy mom yelling/screaming and maybe crying from the sidelines.

He was too cool and excited for pictures.

Then he smiled, he deserved it, he may not be the biggest, fastest kid out there, but he has a huge love for the game, and soaked up every minute after that touchdown.

16 October, 2011

Avery 5 Months!!

Avery October 15, 2011
This month you have found your feet and think they are pretty amazing You love being kissed and cuddled by Andrew, and Brianna. You spend most days lounging on your belly rolling looking for things to grab. You love to grab Brianna's hair and pull, although she doesn't appreciate it much , it's kind of cute. You continue to amaze us all with your free spirit and smiles that never cease. You bring us a lot of joy in that little (big) heart of yours.

15 October, 2011

Puppy Love

Yukon is the most amazing non-dog in the history of non-dogs. He has the most gentle spirit. Although at 9.5 he's probably not considered a "puppy" but like our kids he'll always be our baby. The kids including Avery absolutely adore him.

Big hairy puppy kisses.

He looks thrilled, right?

13 October, 2011

Baking, Loving and Picture Taking

Andrew loves, loves his baby sisters

maybe sometimes a little too much!
My sweet boy

Brianna baked chocolate chip cookies on her own.

My biggins

You have no idea how hard it is to get an almost 5 month old, 7 year old and 5 year old to cooperate for pictures. Although this isn't perfect, I'll take it considering how it came to be....

Nice Andrew...

change of postitions...thank you Andrew for helping Nana smile.....

Really Andrew?....

almost there....

Nice big smile Andrew....

Bia stepped in and all was under control!

A peak from the other side of the camera!