18 December, 2011

Christmas at Home and a Visit with Santa

What better way to convince Brent to take the kids to see Santa, than promising him a chance to look at quads and guns! Yup Santa visits Bass Pro Shop for those that don't "do" malls. Now that may be amazing in it's self...Santa at Bass Pro Shop not that Brent doesn't do malls, but another miracle happened that day. Something that I thought would never come ture. As most of us know Brianna wont stand with in 20ft of Santa, Easter Bunny, Minnie Mouse, most trick or treater, heck anything in a costume. Well we had a talk with her about Avery wanting to see Santa and how Andrew hasn't been able to chat with the jolly old guy for the last 5 years and when your 7 that's a looooong time.  Brianna did a little soul searching that morning and decided she wouldnt be the reason there was no Santa time this year! 

Our Christmas Miracle, with no screaming, crying or uncomfortable smiles. Avery even liked Santa too!

She liked Santa soo much, they talked,

and talked.....

and talked some more. they had quite the list for Santa

We went home very excited to have talked to Santa, I was proud of Brianna for overcoming a fear and putting how she felt aside for her brother and sister. It may be just a silly Santa picture but she's quite stubborn and overcoming something she feels she can not do is a big deal for me.

At home. Brent and I made a our favorite smoked chicken, mac n cheese, texas toast and grilled veggies. After dinner we opened our presents for each other. It was late in the evening and Avery was struggling to stay awake so I didnt get pictures of everyone, opening their gifts.

I took Andrew and Brianna to make a build a bear for Avery, it was a cute way for them to personalize thier gift to her.

and Avery loved it!

she held on to the bunny while she opened all her other gifts.

Two of my most beautiful kiddos

16 December, 2011

Andrew and Brianna's Christmas Program

Getting ready to leave for the kids Christmas Program and I was not able to get inside picturess so enjoy the little preshow performance they gave us.
I love this one, shows their personalities perfectly.

muscle shot!

Silly Faces
I have no clue what was going on here, but I plan to keep it for future blackmail.

He wanted to be a star!

15 December, 2011

Avery 7 months

December 15, 2011
At 7 months you are getting closer to crawling but still very content with sitting and playing. You are becoming very aware of your toys and they actually entertain you...for a few minutes. You love to be the center of attention and know exactly when and why everyone is looking at you. You can go from a major pouty face to smiles in seconds, all for a little extra attention.