28 September, 2006

Blog 7 Just another week at my Zoo

So, I tried to be crafty (or more technologically savy) and attempt to make this little blog "prettier" and not so dull....Not saying that baby pictures are dull or boring, just wanted to add more fluff to take away from having to actually say things with meaning....sooo what usually takes about 10 minutes took me 1 hr and the blog looks exactly the same. Oh well, live and learn. This whole Html thing is a whole new world for me that I just don't get....Anyone willing to give me free lessons??
We've had some beautiful sunsets and gorgeous weather. We usually eat dinner then go outside and enjoy the evening. Plus it gives Andrew some time to burn off all that built up energy. Andrew is doing great, he now says "Excuse me!" Its really cute because he says it at the park when another little one is in his way or when he belches. He also asks to be excused from the dinner table when he's finished. Now if I can only keep his feet off the table while we are eating he'd be the perfect little gentlemen. I'm trying to instill some of the old fashioned gentlemen in him, progress is slow but on its way. He still brutal with Brianna, but she loves most of it. Brent on the other hand has good intentions but still high fives the farts you can hear across the room, and has now gotten Andrew to recognize the opening theme song to the Simpsons. Andrew can hear that music anywhere in the house and comes running yelling "impsons, impsons!!"
Brianna is getting so big too fast. She's trying to stand alone, she'll hold on to the couch and then let go standing for what seems like a long time but about 5 seconds. She'll walk if you hold her little fingers. She just itching for that independence that I'm holding on to. We did however find a great babysitter....the grass. She hates it, just put her out there and she wont move a muscle.... Well that's about all here....Hope everyone has a great weekend. Love all

Week In Pics

Take Time to HUG a Tree!!

you want me to do, What??

Brianna Luvs that Grass!!

22 September, 2006

Well it's blog number six and we're still going strong!! Although once a week seems a little too often for me....it cuts into my precious "me" time : ) But I guess it's a small sacrifice to make us all feel closer together. But I need HELP creative juices just don't flow that consistently...So If you have any suggestions PLEASE feel free to ask, I'm open to anything.
Ok....Now the boring stuff. Weather has been very kind. We actually had three days of NO air condition. Today is a much different story very high humidity 65%.... Something about the morning dew not burning off during the day collects in some unknown place and then you pay for it later. Funny how much you learn about weather when you live somewhere with such extreme weather. See if I had stayed in California I would know nothing about humidity, thunderstorms, hurricanes, all that fun stuff. So this is all a growing experience.

Babies are doing better. The kids and I all this little stomach bug, each on a different day, which I'm not complaining about, definitely made things easier for me. Brianna was super plugged up from what the Dr. Said was "new" food and pretty normal for babies. This made her vomit a lot....I guess it's gotta come out one way or another. So Brianna was on a formula/prune diet. Andrew on the other hand had the extreme opposite problem and everything seemed to run right threw him. So he ate lots of yogurt, and NO prunes. So it's been a real poopy week.
Last night we had a dinner cruise, sponsored by Brent's work. A nice evening out on the lake. Got to some beautiful homes....Never saw one I didn't like. A lot different than homes along the ocean coastline. These home were beautifully landscaped and had amazing architecture.

Other than that the week was park, story time and shopping, nothing exciting....
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
The Week in pictures:

Andrew's pooping corner....

Determination in her eyes!!
Free stickers in the mail!

14 September, 2006

I may have created a monster. I now get phone calls asking me "Where's the blog and why isn't it up yet??" So if that's not an incentive to keep this going, here it is... Well the weather has become a little more reasonable. We've actually been able to kill the air and open some windows at night. The days are still a little warm for outside playing but the park with big shady trees has solved that problem. Today there was a daddy's group with kids, actually pretty interesting to see all these kids with their dads and you can tell who dressed them...Very cute! What's even better is that they talk about all their babies behaviors, sleeping/eating habits, not what I expected at all. Figured they just talked about the Longhorns like every other male Texan. Although they were very feminine, but cool to talk to, just like one of the girls.
The other day we ventured out to try story time at the local library. It was fun Andrew, surprisingly paid attention. For the most part....He quickly realized that if he stood in the front of the room where everyone's eyes were facing they'd all be looking at him. So there was my child dancing and acting a fool infront of 15 toddlers who thought he was hilarious. It was quite cute to watch him....kinda mocking the reader... Although the story reader didn't find him soo amusing after a while. So he quietly sat back down. He participated in the crafts and looked soo old to me. He's growing up way too fast. I also took him to get a hair cut as you see. He didn't sit still so I decided to just shave it. It's actually longer than what it looks. So it spikes up perfectly and he looks soo much older, but it fits his personality. He's still a big ham and loves the center of attention.
I've taught him another color....Pink! The only draw back is that he likes to wear the colors he can say. So hopefully, for Brent I wont have to buy him a Pink shirt. Although Ralph Lauren has the cutest pink polos for little boys....I may have to go back Cassy!!

Brianna is moving great, getting into everything Andrew leaves lying around. She can now pull herself up on the couch and in her crib. She prefers to stand and will whenever she gets the chance. She's eating a little more variety. She likes her cereal with apples and now munches on crackers. She is still very loving, just loves to be cuddled. Feels like you cant hold her tight enough. She even hugs back. I wish I could hold her all day. She's starting to come out of her shell. My neighbor was able to hold her for the first time the other day without screaming, and she wanted to stay with her. Which is a big relief for me, I was worried she wouldn't take to other people.
Well on top of my eBay addiction I've attempted to become a little crafty. I've (what I think) successfully converted some of Andrew's old jeans and overalls to be more "girlie" A couple of cheap patches and some fabric and I think they look very cute. I'm also taking on the big project of making Andrew's and Brianna's Halloween costume. I've bought all the material now I've just got to do it. So hopefully it will all work out. You'll just have to stay tuned in to see how it turns out!!
Well if all that hasn't been too boring here are some pictures:

don't they look soo sweet:

But don't be fooled....Looks can be deceiving!!

07 September, 2006

It seems in life that you can so easily get caught up in what you are doing that you forget to stop, take time and enjoy the little things. Well at least that's my excuse for not updating ya'll. The kids have been once again spoiled by their weekend with grandma grandpa and aunt cassy. We are all recovering from the lack of attention that they are now receiving.
Me first....I have a new found addiction for anything eBay. Mostly selling...Coupons they sell great. But they aren't paying for the coupon just my time and effort for cutting then mailing. I try to sell old kids clothes but I'm too attached to most outfits, so those still sit in the closet. Maternity clothes sold great! Sure was happy to see those go! I'm sure Brents clothes will sell well, haven't tried those yet!! So if you ever visit and realize you left something behind you can most likely find it again on eBay. I'll be sure to send you the item number so you can find it easier.
Andrew....Where to start, he's sure giving me a work out. Everyday is a new adventure with him. Two Saturdays ago, we had a full on melt down, I realized it was because he wanted to pick out his own clothes....Ok fine, we are just going to the park in Pflugerville.... How bad can it be?? Well as my luck would have it Andrew likes clothes that he knows the color of....Orange, blue, white, purple and yellow. So we go wearing ORANGE shorts, a blue and yellow T-shirt, one blue sock and one red sock then his tennis shoes. Oh well I figured this is Texas he fits right in. Well to make my day even better they are filming a commercial for a local politician (don't worry Brent verified he was Republican) at the park and just want all the kids to "look natural" and play...kinda hard for me to do when my son looks like a clown. We have yet to see the commercial but hopefully we'll be able to catch Andrews acting debut. Bottom line Andrew had a blast and I forgot all about the wonderful outfit. Eating has become a new issue for Andrew, he just doesn't like anything anymore. Not even hot dogs, or ice cream. His two past favorites. But it hasn't slowed him down any, so I'm not too worried yet.

Brianna has now two very sharp teeth. She's all over crawling to grab just about everything. She's all smiles as long as she gets what she wants, and she KNOWS what she wants. Eating is still an issue, I cant seem to find what she likes outside of green beans and spinach, guess it could be worse. She at least doesn't look like she missing any meals.
Now the boring stuff, weather has cooled off a lot and we even saw a little rain. A much needed rain. Brent's doing well at work, trying not to stay out too late. Cassy Brent and I enjoyed a night out on the town while grandma and grandpa babysat. We all had a great time, some more than others : ) Texas has a very interesting array of people, I think I got a good sample of that Saturday. We met a girl from Temecula out here looking for a home...well I think that's what they said. Said she just knew we were from California. Now that I think about it, don't really know what that meant.
Well we hope you all have a great weekend!! Love all!!