14 September, 2006

I may have created a monster. I now get phone calls asking me "Where's the blog and why isn't it up yet??" So if that's not an incentive to keep this going, here it is... Well the weather has become a little more reasonable. We've actually been able to kill the air and open some windows at night. The days are still a little warm for outside playing but the park with big shady trees has solved that problem. Today there was a daddy's group with kids, actually pretty interesting to see all these kids with their dads and you can tell who dressed them...Very cute! What's even better is that they talk about all their babies behaviors, sleeping/eating habits, not what I expected at all. Figured they just talked about the Longhorns like every other male Texan. Although they were very feminine, but cool to talk to, just like one of the girls.
The other day we ventured out to try story time at the local library. It was fun Andrew, surprisingly paid attention. For the most part....He quickly realized that if he stood in the front of the room where everyone's eyes were facing they'd all be looking at him. So there was my child dancing and acting a fool infront of 15 toddlers who thought he was hilarious. It was quite cute to watch him....kinda mocking the reader... Although the story reader didn't find him soo amusing after a while. So he quietly sat back down. He participated in the crafts and looked soo old to me. He's growing up way too fast. I also took him to get a hair cut as you see. He didn't sit still so I decided to just shave it. It's actually longer than what it looks. So it spikes up perfectly and he looks soo much older, but it fits his personality. He's still a big ham and loves the center of attention.
I've taught him another color....Pink! The only draw back is that he likes to wear the colors he can say. So hopefully, for Brent I wont have to buy him a Pink shirt. Although Ralph Lauren has the cutest pink polos for little boys....I may have to go back Cassy!!

Brianna is moving great, getting into everything Andrew leaves lying around. She can now pull herself up on the couch and in her crib. She prefers to stand and will whenever she gets the chance. She's eating a little more variety. She likes her cereal with apples and now munches on crackers. She is still very loving, just loves to be cuddled. Feels like you cant hold her tight enough. She even hugs back. I wish I could hold her all day. She's starting to come out of her shell. My neighbor was able to hold her for the first time the other day without screaming, and she wanted to stay with her. Which is a big relief for me, I was worried she wouldn't take to other people.
Well on top of my eBay addiction I've attempted to become a little crafty. I've (what I think) successfully converted some of Andrew's old jeans and overalls to be more "girlie" A couple of cheap patches and some fabric and I think they look very cute. I'm also taking on the big project of making Andrew's and Brianna's Halloween costume. I've bought all the material now I've just got to do it. So hopefully it will all work out. You'll just have to stay tuned in to see how it turns out!!
Well if all that hasn't been too boring here are some pictures:

don't they look soo sweet:

But don't be fooled....Looks can be deceiving!!

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