04 January, 2007

New Year, New Look...Same Babies

The new year inspired me to change to look of the blog....Babies are growing super fast. Everyday Andrew comes up with something new to say. He now says I do it, when you ask him his name he'll say Andrew Michael, (it's cuter to hear him say it), the trash is now "trash man" and his relating objects by their size. Everything big is daddy, smaller is mama and smallest is baby. So he has all his toys grouped by their size. And he'll ask for baby airplane or mama trash, it's a very detailed form of classification...well at least I think so. He had a great Christmas and continues to talk about Santa. There was an older gentlemen with a long white beard at the grocery store and Andrew was calling him Santa. The man seemed offended but I thought it was pretty funny. His growing up and maturing so much everyday....
Brianna is on her way to walking. If it was up to my parents they would have had her walking before they left. The most we got was standing and then three steps all alone. She would just get too excited and then sit. But I'm in no hurry. I like just being able to cuddle and her not knowing she can have that independence. She's turned into the little dancing machine. Andrew likes to play everything that has a music button at the same time and Brianna just sits there with her hands in the air dancing. Again cuter to see her do it.
Well Happy New Year hope every ones new year is all they expect and more!

Trail of Lights on 12/18....They both loved it

Cookie Decorating 12/21. Andrew had a blast and made a HUGE mess. Brianna sat there with a cookie in her mouth and a bottle of sprinkles in her hand.

Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning Brianna looked soo cute in her new dress. Andrew loved all the new toys!!

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