12 March, 2007

One More.....

I just wanted to get one more update in before we leave on our BIG trip. We are all going to Costa Rica....We leave Saturday and Brent will be home the following Sunday, the kids and I will stay one more week. We are all soo excited. Going to travel and see parts of the country we've never seen before, going horseback riding, laying out on the beach, all that fun stuff!!! Cant wait!!
Anyways, our babies are doing great. Andrew continues to talk more and more. We are working on counting, and now he can count and recognize up to number 4. He wants to count everything. It comes in handy because he's willing to help around the house if numbers are involved. I've been keeping him busy by going on lots of play dates at the park. He's really starting to socialize, and have lots of fun with the other little ones....especially because they are all girls and all want to play with him. They are always bringing him his cup, and chasing him everywhere. Cute to watch them.
Brianna is walking more and more everyday. She wants top keep up with all the older ones. She almost completely walking everywhere. She's still a little unstable but looks soo cute and still like a zombie. Andrew wishes she can walk and run like him, so he'll grab her hand and take off. She does a good job in keeping up. She might even skip the whole walking and go straight to running. Between the two of them, they sure keep me on my toes.
Brent is doing great. Work is keeping him super busy. He's working late days and most Saturdays, so he's really looking forward to our little vacation.
I'm doing good, had a dr's apt the other day for headaches, and turns out I've got the typical migraine, tension headache. Never really believed migraines existed, until I got one. Should be pretty easy to control, I got a prescription that I take when I feel them coming. Other than that It's been pretty quiet around here...
Hope everyone has a great week....
Hanging out at Grandma's and Papa's house!

Enjoying the great weather outside!

Crazy hair in the tub!

Dinner at the Oasis....we were blessed with a beautiful sunset!

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