08 May, 2007

Time for a Change!!

Decided to change the look once agian...was looking for the fun spring time motif!!
Anyways...babies are doing great each developing their own unique personality. You would think that you raise two kids the exact same way use the same routines even the same crib and toys and you would have two of the exact same babies...well that couldnt be farther from the truth. Today I realy realized how completely different the two of them are. Andrew wants everything done for him. He's perfectly happy being fed by us, having us change his clothes, put on his shoes, pick up his toys....everything. Not Brianna, there's nothing she cant do. We battle over the spoon during dinner, she wants to put on her own shoes, throw away her diapers, pick up her own toys (for now at least). Andrew like oatmeal Brianna hates it, Andrew like scrammbled eggs, Brianna's are fried. Brianna likes potatoes Andrew likes french fries. Andrew likes order Brianna loves a disaster. Brianna loves milk and water, Andrew loves chocolate milk and juice. What they do have in common....they both love music, dancing, hugs, kisses, beer and the Simpsons. I guess if they were exactly the same...how boring would life be. They are two very charming and unique indivduals that make every day enjoyable for us!!
Cleaning out a closet the other day and found my old tap outfit from when I was 6....Brianna wanted to try it on....It actually was huge even though it looks like it fit!! She loved it

Andrew's getting difficult to takes pictures of....he's always holding something in front of his face.

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