28 March, 2008

Update on the Kiddos

Brianna had her 2 yr check up today and she passed with flying colors. She's dropped some on the weight chart but nothing alarming, guess that booty wasn't soo big after all. She never sits constantly moving.

Here's their stats:
Andrew is 41 inches and weighs 38lbs.
Brianna is 34.5 inches and weighs 26 lbs.
Andrew is doing well. The terrible 3's almost 4's is making its ugly face. He never had terrible twos or really threes but now at three and a half, he's making up for lost time. Nothing the evil eye can't fix! I've started giving him chores, if he's old enough to argue, he's old enough to do laundry. At least that's my theory. He actually enjoys it, so while it lasts I'm taking advantage of it. He's got his alphabet down, just not in the song. He know all the letters and their sounds, but the song sounds something like this..."A B C D (that part is loud and very clear) then some mumbling (short and quiet) then Q R S T U V (loud and clear) then more mumbling, next comes, W X Z now I now my ABC's next time sing with me"We've just started writing, so we'll see how that goes. He loves the outdoors, his bike and his scooter, he rides them like a pro. Don't think he has much for basketball, soccer or baseball, but he's awesome on the bike, scooter and skate board. He's becoming soo independent, he's growing up too fast for me!

March 2005

March 2006

March 2007

March 2008

Brianna is a mini me in training. She does everything I do, except it's amplified girly to the 100th degree. If I'm eating or talking to someone, I can see her out of the corner of my eye imitating me, just in her own little world, she thinks it's pretty funny. I think it's kinda cute. She's into her Little People and Tea Parties or (coffees). She loves her babies, strollers and her kitchen (my cook). She loves to antagonize Andrew and is great at. She is the absolute ruler of the house and we all bow down to her! She's a sweet ruler that relies on her charm and strong will. Andrew is great with her, but he's learned the crazy! He tells me Nana is making me crazy...and he's usually right! She loves shoes, purses, singing, dancing, chasing Andrew, and talking on the phone. She growing up soo fast, she's not just a baby anymore!

March 2006

March 2007

March 2008

I know how boring this blog would be without pictures...so I resorted to old ones! Enjoy the trip down memory lane!!

18 March, 2008

Last Update for a while :(

This was soo cute....I'm trying to wean Brianna from getting rocked to sleep every nap...Thanks Bia! I use to just lay her down and be on my way, well she started with rub my back and now she wont let me leave til she's asleep. This day was like any other but the "bub my back" was too much for Andrew...he rubbed then she fell asleep then he fell asleep right out side her door. What a sweet big brother!
Is there a Nana in there?
This is how she sleeps...every animal/blanket in its place...on top of her!
We had a neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. I let Andrew hunt with the 3 and under and came out with a ton of eggs. They both had a great time.
Well my camera died so this will be the last post for a while.

11 March, 2008

Brianna's Birthday 2of 3

Even though Brianna looks like she's messing her diaper this is still the CHEEEESSEEE face that I dread!

I took Brianna, ANdrew and two of their friends to Chuck E Cheeses for some pizza and fun.

Brianna's Birthday 1 of 3

This was the Birthday we did with my mom while she was still here. We baked a cake had the neighbors over and opened some presents. Uncle alan and netty got her the cutest birthday girl set, complete with bling, a tiara and a sash. She loved it. SHe also got her first tea set, that's all she does any more, except she calls it coffee.

Brianna's 2nd Birthday

A little late....bad mommy, but better late than never. Cassy did a great job summing up the day and took better pictures so click on the Durbs Blurbs for more details. Here are just a few pics for me.

05 March, 2008

We "Bought" a House!!

Just got home from a 3 week trip to AZ where Brent and I found and fell in love with our new home. It's completely different than what we have here but it's almost exactly the same!! Two strory versus one, track home versus semi-custom, land versus no land....but home is where the heart and that makes it exactly the same. We are soo excited and cant wait for this new chapter in our lives!!
"Bought" on contingency hoping our home sells quick!!