18 March, 2008

Last Update for a while :(

This was soo cute....I'm trying to wean Brianna from getting rocked to sleep every nap...Thanks Bia! I use to just lay her down and be on my way, well she started with rub my back and now she wont let me leave til she's asleep. This day was like any other but the "bub my back" was too much for Andrew...he rubbed then she fell asleep then he fell asleep right out side her door. What a sweet big brother!
Is there a Nana in there?
This is how she sleeps...every animal/blanket in its place...on top of her!
We had a neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. I let Andrew hunt with the 3 and under and came out with a ton of eggs. They both had a great time.
Well my camera died so this will be the last post for a while.

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