22 March, 2010

Arenal Baldi Hot Springs

after a late night and early start, we headed to Baldi Hot Springs for some R&R...because that's what vacations are for! This place was absolutely amazing, cant wait to go back when it is finished. Unfortunately they only had one open pool that "cool" enough for the kiddos, But luckily it was the largest pool with 3 water slides.

Good morning sunshine!

This statue out front gave you the confidence to walk around in your bathing suit all day


This was the best pool with the most amazing view of Arenal

Looking for more kids friendly waters

Dadddy"s girl

the Ham

Nana giving Kenny some shaving tips

I was there too

Costa Rica Arenal

the group in front of Arenal

Kids motorcylcle, love at first sight :)

lake Arenal...maybe a Houseboat destination...

Another side of Arenal...we made it to all sides this year, pretty amzing all the way around. We were also lucky enough and got to see the point of the volcano without clouds, very rare, so beautiful.
Next year..this is a must!

Kenny and I enjoying the "view"

The view!

20 March, 2010

Esterillos, Quepos and Jaco Costa RIca

We went to this restaurant in Jaco because it was Tita's favorite. It was where they would go as a treat to get out of town for a nice night out. Although the view is still spectacular and the food was good the place itself has changed soo much.

Kenny showing us all how to drink in one of my favorite restaurants in Quepos

One of the many house guards

The view from the patio...so relaxing!

The group shot

At this point in the drive Brianna yelled out, " I see a funky purple moose" hmmm rain forest beach and moose that's purple?, it was time to get out and let them run around!

The swing they fought over like crazy... note to self, next year bring two swing chairs

Brianna LOVES the sand, she could do without the water as long as there is sand, Crazy, I know!

It was a crowded day at the beach

The view back towards the house...it's there somewhere

Brent having a quiet moment to himself

Kids cleaning up their beach loot

The sand dollars that Kenny and Grandma fought over

Andrews crab

Kenny the "crab whisperer" he was able to pick up a crab...pretty amazing, they're FAST!
KEnny in action!!

18 March, 2010

La Fortuna, Arenal Costa Rica

Arenal is best known (in our book us at least) for it's zip lines. Brent and I have done it in a few other places but nothing comes close to Arenal. They are by far the longest and fastest! This year they added the Tarzan swing, which is a once in a life time experience that I don't chose to do again! Your harness is tied onto rope hanging on in a tree...picture Tarzan crossed with bungee jumping...you are standing a high platform with gates holding you on to the platform...when they feel you are secured (regardless if you are ready) they open the gates and you fall out and swing back and forth, well above most trees. Sounds like fun....everyone should try it! At the end is Bonnie, enjoying the swing on video...Definitely a must see!!

Kenny on his first practice ride.

Brent doing the same

Bonnie getting strapped in

Kenny had this face in every picture...

After every line you had to unhitch off one to get on to the next. This meant using all upper body strength to unhook. If you couldn't you'd get the knee in the butt boost. best pictured here

Mr cool again :)

Like a pro

Brent getting strapped for the Tarzan swing

the best/worst part of the swing was the stopping. They each grab a leg to stop you...never knew what a wish bone felt like til that day

check out the face...all business

oh a smile! he liked it

The video...Bonnie's was by far the screaming champion and the only one without profanities