20 March, 2010

Esterillos, Quepos and Jaco Costa RIca

We went to this restaurant in Jaco because it was Tita's favorite. It was where they would go as a treat to get out of town for a nice night out. Although the view is still spectacular and the food was good the place itself has changed soo much.

Kenny showing us all how to drink in one of my favorite restaurants in Quepos

One of the many house guards

The view from the patio...so relaxing!

The group shot

At this point in the drive Brianna yelled out, " I see a funky purple moose" hmmm rain forest beach and moose that's purple?, it was time to get out and let them run around!

The swing they fought over like crazy... note to self, next year bring two swing chairs

Brianna LOVES the sand, she could do without the water as long as there is sand, Crazy, I know!

It was a crowded day at the beach

The view back towards the house...it's there somewhere

Brent having a quiet moment to himself

Kids cleaning up their beach loot

The sand dollars that Kenny and Grandma fought over

Andrews crab

Kenny the "crab whisperer" he was able to pick up a crab...pretty amazing, they're FAST!
KEnny in action!!

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