15 August, 2011

LOOK who's 3 Months!

Avery, in 3 short months you have managed to steal the hearts of us all. We fight for smiles to see who can get the biggest one. Then when those came to easy we fight for the giggle that's a little more work but soo rewarding.
Your big brother is absolutely smitten with you, he puts down his legos and his DS to talk or play with you. Though you are in tight competition with cartoons.
Your big sister adores you and can't wait to dress you and brush your hair.
You used to stick out your tongue but that has been taken over by your fingers which you suck on like crazy.
You can hold rattles and little toys although you have no idea you are holding them and usually just swing them around and hit yourself in the head. Which by the way Andrew and Brianna find to be absolutely hilarious.
You no longer like to sit back, you want to be upright and checking everything out.
You rolled over once but have yet to do it again.
From your wrist to your shoulder you have 4 folds and your thigh to your knee has 5, you have two chins and a little (big) belly. I hope you never loose.
You give the sweetest smiles all day
You've been sleeping 11hrs for over a month now with two great naps, and if I didn't have to wake you up to get the kids to school, you'd probably sleep a lot more.
You brighten the room with you smile and sweet sounds
You think the ceiling fans are there for your entertainment only.
Thank you for bringing soo much joy to our lives
I asked her how old she was, she pointed to the 3....Hehe not really

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