24 August, 2006

It's been another great week. I don't even want to talk about the weather anymore, so we wont go there. Kids are doing great and so are us zoo keepers. Brent treated himself to a riding lawn mower. Andrew loves to sit on it as long as the motor is not on. He's just started to get brave enough to help Brent "mow" the lawn. And it looks like he's doing all the work! Brent will take him for rides down the street and even to the mail box. Surprisingly enough there has yet to be an official block tractor race...Which I can see happening in the near future. I think the tractor has more horse power than my Honda. Anyways it cuts down the yard mowing time from about 4hrs to 1hr, so I'm not complaining. Brianna gets to supervise from her shaded stroller so she's not complaining either! And they know she's in charge. She just needs a drink with an umbrella and she's ready. Andrew and Brianna had there first combined drs. apt which was fun. They are both doing everything that they should be at their age...No concerns from the doctor. They each got a couple of shots, and Andrew didn't even cry, first time, he took it like a big boy. Brianna on the other hand gave me the look that kills and cried for a while, but she did get 4 shots....OUCH!!
Brianna is also crawling like a pro, the proper way. She dropped the butt and is moving on all fours. She still likes the view from upside down. She gets that way, looks at me and just laughs, she must think I'm upside down not her. Very cute! She also got her first tooth. I noticed it yesterday!! It's hard to see but it's there, her bottom right. She so proudly shows it off. She is also sleeping through the night....Thanks to the help of creamed spinach. Her favorite baby food....She eats soo much she doesn't get hungry at 4am anymore. But I sure miss those feedings. I still wake up and just lay there wide awake.
Andrew is doing great, he's a big help around the house. Always willing to serve of a glass of water. Of course it's never in glass, just whatever he finds that if he pushes hard enough will make water flow from the fridge. He's also taught me the importance of the little lock button on the refrigerator for water and ice. Never knew why you would ever need that button. But thanks to Andrew I now know. Walking into the kitchen and almost breaking my neck because of the rivers he created has forced me to use that lock button. There were not only messes on the kitchen floor, but he would fill up truck beds, legos, anything and then walk them over to the living room and pour it on the floor, just for fun . He also got into bubble bath and poured that all over the bathroom floor. Do you know how hard it is to clean up bubble bath. Water just makes it worse. And you cant rinse out the rag because water makes more bubbles, so Y'all need to invent something that cleans up bubbles....I can see a huge market for it...at least in my house. Andrew has developed into a full blown 2year old boy, getting into everything and messes just seem to follow him around.

Pictures from this week:

Any Takers!! Love their smiles!

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