17 August, 2006

Well its been another scorching week. Since August 1 every day has been 100+, which means the last 17 days have been pretty freakin hot. It sounds scary but I think my body is adjusting, I can tell the difference between 100 and 103, it actually feel A LOT cooler and let me tell you I love those 100 days...Its like winter.....Ok maybe not. I've just learned how to get all out door errands done before 10 am. And that's hard to do with little ones who don't wake until 8am, but we manage just fine. Andrew is my little master of the obvious...As soon as we step outside he says HOT!! Maybe he'll finally learn the word COLD by the time winter rolls around.
Kids have been doing great. Andrew is becoming more of the caring big brother, that he should be, just as long as Brianna stays away from his toys which includes every single thing in this house that's not tied down. He has a new found fashion sense. He like to wear my belts and my socks but has to be completely naked because I guess that's the only way they fit?? Or he's just needs a reason to tear off that diaper. I would publish pictures but don't want his cute little naked butt exposed on the worldd wide web, so you'll just have to take my word on it.

Brianna is growing soo fast.... She just turned 6 months and....Yes this is how she crawls...Looks more like an awkward monkey but she gets around. I'm guessing she likes to look at the world upside down and between her legs...I'm working on teaching her the "proper" way to crawl but she much prefers this method. Anyways she too stubborn to take advise from me. I wonder where she gets that from....Both my babies seem to have a strong dose of that gene.
Here is Brianna's 1/2 Birthday kiss from Yukon. He like them at this age. Its not until they get a little more mobile and heavy that he finds them soo annoying!
I attempted a little potty training on Andrew. I put "big boy" Nemo underwear on him and told him to tell me if he had to pee, well he peed in the living room not 2 minutes later. I put him on the toilet and explained to him that he needs to let me know before he pees. Well I figured he just peed so I can put another underwear on him and in 5 minutes we'll try the toilet, well on my way back from the laundry room he had already peed again. So we hung up the underwear for another day. He's laughing at me for falling for his little game twice in a row!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!

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